CSI Projects

Corporate Social Investment Projects

Books & Books are involved in CSI projects by setting up libraries in disadvantaged communities and schools. The literacy levels in South Africa are a cause of grave concern. Our extensive knowledge and experience in supplying books, posters, jigsaw puzzles and toys to schools and libraries over the past 14 years, together with our recent CSI projects means that we are ideally placed to select books and toys which are most appropriate to benefit and uplift these disadvantaged communities.

We believe that a child who can read confidently will do well in school and have greater opportunities in the future.

Each project is curated to take into account the age of the users, language, gender, religion, support from the community and the specific requirements of the funder.

We are an SMME who deals with government and are registered on the Central Supplier Database and have Good Standing Tax Clearance Certificates from SARS.

Contact us if you would like more information on how to make a huge difference to the lives of disadvantaged South Africans!